Post-Treatment Instructions for Macaione and Papa Patients
Post-cosmetic treatment care is as important as the treatment itself to experience optimal results. We at Macaione and Papa pride ourselves on exceptional patient outcomes. Scroll below to learn about the post-treatment care for:
- Chemical Peels
- CoolSculpting®
- Microneedling
- And more
Botox® injections take approximately 2-14 days before the effect will be seen. If after 2 weeks you see no improvement, please call our office for a follow up appointment. Please remember that Botox is a temporary treatment. The effect lasts on average 3-6 months.
Restrictions after Botox injections:
- Lying down
- Leaning forward
- Exercise of any kind including walking
- Washing/drying/coloring hair
- Hats
- Your head must remain upright for at least four hours after the injection.
- If your head changes position, the chance of an eyelid droop increases
You may travel by airplane the day after you receive your treatment.
The results for KYBELLA® are not immediate. At the time of injection and for several days following, you may have swelling in the submental area. KYBELLA will cause the fat cells to diminish gradually over the course of the next month following your injections. A series of treatments may be necessary to achieve optimal results. Your doctor will decide the appropriate number of treatment sessions and the amount of KYBELLA you will need at each session.
For most patients, downtime occurs commonly after the first treatment session. You should be able to resume your normal daily activities, but are likely to have swelling, so keep your social plans and work commitments in mind when scheduling your treatment.
Post – Care Instructions:
- Ice packs may be used to the treated area during the first 12 hours – ice for 15 minutes on every hour
- Do not massage the injection site
- If you are able to tolerate Ibuprofen, you may take 200mg three times daily beginning the day of your treatment and for the following four days
- Avoid heavy exercise the day of your treatment
Notify the office if any significant swelling, bleeding, pain, dusky discoloration, difficulty swallowing, difficulty smiling, or fever occurs
Do not resume the use of glycolic acid skin care products or Retin (A) – Affirm, Tazorac, etc. until the fourth day after the peel.
For three days post peel, use the facial cleanser, lotion, and eye cream that are given to you by The Skin Care Loft. Use in the A.M. and P.M. and in warmer months, use a sunscreen with an SPF30.
- Do not color or “perm” your hair for one week after the peel.
- Do not wax your eyebrows or lips for one week before and after the peel.
- You may wear make-up the morning after the peel.
- If you have any crusting, apply Aquaphor Ointment.

Post-Treatment Instructions
Contact Macaione and Papa with any questions regarding your post cosmetic-treatment care
The suction pressure of a vacuum applicator may cause sensations of deep pulling, tugging, pinching. A surface applicator may cause sensations of pressure. You may experience intense cold, stinging, tingling, aching, or cramping as the treatment begins. These sensations generally subside during treatment as the area becomes numb.
- You may have dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, flushing, sweating, or fainting during or immediately after the treatment.
- The treated area may look or feel stiff after the procedure and transient blanching (temporary whitening of the skin) may occur. These are all normal reactions that typically resolve within a few minutes.
- Bruising, swelling, redness, cramping, and pain can occur in the treated area and the treated area may appear red for one or two weeks after treatment.
- After submental area treatment, a feeling of fullness in the back of the throat may occur.
You may feel a dulling sensation in the treated area that can last for several weeks after the procedure. Prolonged swelling, itching, tingling, numbness, tenderness to the touch, pain in the treated area, cramping, aching, bruising and/or skin sensitivity also have been reported.
After the procedure, the skin will be red and flushed in appearance in a similar way to moderate sunburn. You may also experience skin tightness and mild sensitivity to touch on the area being treated. This will diminish greatly after a few hours following treatments and within the next 24 hours the skin will completely healed. After three days there is barely any evidence that the procedure has taken place.
- Do not resume the use of glycolic acid skin care products or Retin-A (Afirm), Tazorac, etc. until the fourth day after the procedure.
- For three days post procedure, use the facial cleanser, lotion, and eye cream that are given to you by The Skin Care Loft. Use in the A.M. and P.M. and in warmer months, use a sunscreen with an SPF30.
- Do not color or “perm” your hair for one week after the procedure.
- Do not wax your eyebrows or lips for one week before and after the procedure.
- You may wear make-up the morning after the procedure.
- If you have any crusting, apply Aquaphor Ointment (can be purchased at the drug store) to the crusted area and apply cold compresses for a few minutes two to three times a day.
- If you experience stinging or itching, apply cold compresses for five minutes two to three times a day.
- Do not pick anything – it will leave a scar and/or a pigmented mark on your face.
- When requesting The Skin Care Loft “to be aggressive” with the procedure, remember that there will be some downtime – redness, crusting, temporary pigmentation changes, etc.
This procedure will make your skin delicate and vulnerable for about a week.
- Do not resume the use of glycolic acid skin care products or Retin-A (Afirm) until the third day after the procedure.
- For three days post procedure, use the facial cleanser, lotion and sunscreen that are given to you by The Skin Care Loft. Use in the A.M. and P.M. and in the warmer months use sunscreen with an SPF30 everyday.
- Avoid the use of abrasive or exfoliating scrubs on the area for one week.
- Do not color or perm your hair for one week after the procedure.
- You may wear make-up after the procedure if you choose. However, our recommendation is to wait until the next morning.
- You may experience redness, swelling and/or feeling similar to a sunburn. If this occurs apply cold compresses. Sun exposure is not recommended prior to or post IPL treatment.
- Please notify the staff if you have a history of facial cold sores.
- In the event of excessive dryness or flakiness, use additional moisturizer as often as needed.
This procedure will make your skin delicate and vulnerable for about a week.